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Now is the Best Time to Make Sure Your Oil/Gas Refinery is Up to OSHA Compliance on Fall Safety

Now is the Best Time to Make Sure Your Oil/Gas Refinery is Up to OSHA Compliance on Fall Safety

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic impacted every industry. But for oil and gas, it resulted in a huge hit to production. Now that the economy has seen a significant rebound, oil and gas production will soon be in full swing again. Safety measures are critical now more than ever, and as refineries return to pre-COVID operations they must once again be prepared for inevitable OSHA inspections to ensure compliance with a wide range of requirements, particularly those pertaining to fall safety.

While addressing the danger of falls is critical in all workplaces, it’s a particular concern in an oil/gas refinery. Refinery facilities are bustling, structurally complex, and full of hazards subject to a variety of OSHA regulatory requirements. There is dangerous equipment on-site, regular shipping and receiving through busy loading docks, and many elevated areas where fall risks are more present.

What Makes Fall Safety so Important?

Every accident at a refinery has many consequences, the most important being that no employer wants to see workers hurt. Any violation or lack of compliance with OSHA fall protection regulations can also mean a stiff fine for your company, potential work shutdowns, and lost profits. Every slip, trip, and fall adds up to millions of lost workdays in a year. The Department of the Interior estimates that about 23 percent of worker injuries in the oil and gas industry are due to slips, trips, and falls.

Why Gates are Such an Important Safety Consideration

Simply put, gates are the simplest, most effectively way to safely control access to the many areas in your facility, and to protect personnel from the fall risks they may encounter in each area. OSHA compliant safety gates keep workers safe on elevated areas and at the openings of stairways, ladders, mezzanines, and loading docks. There are many different types of OSHA-compliant gates, all of which serve a specific purpose.

Self-closing safety gates are passive fall protection, designed to automatically close every time the gate swings open. There is no risk of a worker forgetting to close the gate behind them. The equipment offers nearly continuous protection from leading edges. These gates are easy to mount in various positions and on handrails of all sizes.

Proactively creating and supporting a culture of safety in your workforce is vital, but simply reminding workers to watch their step is not enough. Fall protection equipment, including specialized pieces such as an adjustable safety gate or indoor swing gate, is essential for ensuring worker safety and keeping production moving. To help you to understand and implement proper fall protection, let’s examine the top fall risk areas in refinery facilities, then consider if your company has fully addressed each of those risks.

Areas of Fall Risks in Refineries

A Refinery includes several important areas which present fall hazards. OSHA regulations do not always specify which equipment you are required to use in each situation. But OSHA guidelines provide requirements that the gates and other equipment you choose must meet in each area:


Ladders, either portable or affixed, are a common fall safety risk in refineries, which OSHA addresses under 1910.23 – Walking-working Surfaces: Ladders.

Each employer must look at situations where ladders are being used and determine the materials, weight ratings, heights, and acceptable conditions that OSHA specifies. For example, fall protection is usually not required for a step ladder, but it will be if that step ladder is used on an elevated platform or in an area adjacent to an unprotected edge. Fixed ladders, like those commonly used in oil refineries, also need fall protection, like guardrails fitted with an indoor swing gate to provide access control and fall safety.

Rooftops and Roof Access Areas

Workers may need to access your rooftop for maintenance, cleaning, or to perform work on rooftop machinery. Whether they do so daily or only rarely, your workers need to be protected from falls when accessing or working on a rooftop. Hatchways, skylights, roof edges, and even stairways require protection in order to properly manage rooftop access. The railing and adjustable safety gate that protect each of these areas must have a height of 42″ (plus or minus 3″) from the walking/working surface that they’re installed on. They must be capable of withstanding 200 lbs. of downward force upon the top rail and 150 lbs. on the mid-rail without failure. They also require a smooth-finished surface that can’t snag worker’s skin, clothing, or equipment. You should also look at options which are non-penetrating, allowing you to place well-anchored gates and railings without damaging the integrity of your rooftops.

Loading Docks

Loading docks are another busy area in an oil or gas refinery, and thus, another fall safety hazard. While some companies maintain that dock doors must be closed when a truck is not present, that may be an unrealistic ask for a busy refinery. Fall protection for a loading dock usually comes in the form of a self-closing, adjustable loading dock safety gate system and thorough training of personnel, ensuring risk mitigation at a busy dock. The height and strength requirements for railings and gates in loading dock areas are the same as those for rooftop areas (see above).


Stairways are another area where OSHA sets out standards applicable to refineries. These standards ensure that when a door or a gate opens on a stairway, there is a platform and the gate’s swing doesn’t interfere with workers on the stairs. An outdoor or indoor swing gate is ideal for this situation. Stairs must also be kept well-lit, dry, and free of debris, allowing maximum safety to workers as they move between the levels of your refinery.


The extra storage space created by these elevated platforms is extremely useful in refinery facilities, but they also present falling hazards. The same strong railing and safety gate requirements for roofs apply to mezzanines, and toe boards may also be required to help prevent small objects from falling into work areas below. Specialized indoor safety gate types made for mezzanine use are your best option for access to these areas. For a more thorough treatment of Mezzanine Safety considerations, check out this helpful article: “What to Look for in an OSHA-Compliant Mezzanine Safety Gate”

Machinery Guarding

Adjustable gates are a great tool for controlling access and preventing falls around or onto the potentially dangerous machinery in your refinery facility. They can also help keep unauthorized personnel out of restricted processing areas, improving plant security and protecting trade secrets.


Why Safety Gates Matter

The right gates let employees, visitors, and contractors within your facilities safely access the areas they need to, while helping you to avoid penalties for OSHA noncompliance. As oil and gas refineries eagerly jump back into pre-COVID production levels, safety gates are a must-have.

As outlined above, your facility has many areas with potential fall hazards, and the right safety gate choices can make the difference between being ready for a return to full production and struggling with safety problems and OSHA citations.

The Right Time for Safety is Always Now

Now is the best time to ensure that your oil or gas refinery is up to OSHA compliance on fall protection. After months of slowed or stopped production, and all of the pressures that came with COVID-19, this is the opportunity to rebuild. Get it right by investing in safety equipment, and make the most of your revitalized production while knowing your OSHA concerns are fully addressed.

Choosing a Good Safety Partner

Your worker safety (and OSHA compliance) requires the right choices in selecting and installing fall protection equipment, particularly safety gates. This is why it’s so important to pick a qualified supplier.

Fabenco is a trusted leader in fall safety solutions for the refining industry. Our dedicated team is here to help you tackle all areas where fall protection equipment can assist in making your workplace safer. We provide the highest level of quality and reliability in both products and guidance. Contact us today to learn more about how we can positively impact safety in your refinery.