derope® Controlled Descent Devices

derope® Controlled Descent Devices

Tractel’s® reputation as a leader in safety equipment is apparent in the quality of the derope® controlled descent device family of products. On worksites requiring emergency controlled descent devices, there’s no better choice. The derope® family of products are easy to use, require minimal training, and are designed to be used on unconscious workers, as demonstrated in the video.

Using the derope® controlled descent device for unconscious people is a must to complete ladder rescues, evacuations, and over-the-edge rescue scenarios. 

derope® Controlled Descent Devices for an Unconscious Person

derope® Up A, Up E, and T are able to rescue both a conscious and an unconscious person with a controlled descent. derope® emergency controlled descent devices, and provide emergency assisted rescue that is safe and reliable.

After hooking up the rescuee to the device, simply rotate the wheel found on the centrifugal brake to raise them. Once the unconscious rescuee is unhooked from their ladder, unlock the rope from the brake and the controlled descent begins.

These can be used on many industry sites including wind turbines, aerial cable cars, derricks, and more. derope® emergency controlled descent devices are also the perfect rescue device for building towers.

Tractel®, the global leader in height safety solutions, is a company you can trust to keep you safe working at any height. Browse our selection of derope® emergency controlled descent rescue devices and height safety products for your next project.